Grant Submission Process
FAU personnel (faculty, staff, post docs, students, volunteers) seeking funding for their research must follow specific processes as set by the College of Medicine and Division of Research.
Grant Proposal Guidelines
Proposal submissions for grants, contracts, subcontracts, and all other externally funded proposals must comply with the College of Medicine proposal guidelines. This timeline is necessary to ensure adequate review and timely approval of proposals by the College of Medicine (COM) prior to submission to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
The COM guidelines do not replace the FAU Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal Guidelines, we must follow those as well.
College of Medicine
Step 1

15 Business Days Before Sponsor Due Date
COM Office of Research Requirement
Complete the COM Proposal Routing Form to initiate the proposal process.* Early completion of the routing form is highly recommended.
Step 2

10 Business Days Before Sponsor Due Date
COM Office of Research Requirement
Begin internal Novelution routing for COM approvals. All documentation should be in final form except the research plan, which can be in draft form.
Division of Research OSP
Step 1

5 Business Days Before Sponsor Due Date
OSP Policy
All proposals must be approved by COM's Dept. Chairs and the Dean's Office in Novelution and routed to OSP no later than five (5) business days prior to Sponsor due date.
Step 2

2 Business Days Before Sponsor Due Date
OSP Policy
All documents in Novelution must be final at this time. OSP will not provide final approval until all documents are in final form.
Step 3

Approvals and Submissions
OSP Policy
OSP will provide final approval for proposal submission. In most cases, OSP will submit the proposal on behalf of the PI; however, in few instances the PI may submit after OSP approval based on the sponsor's guidelines.
* COM must be informed a minimum of fifteen (15) business days before the due date that you are submitting an application regardless of your role on the project (e.g. PI, MPI, Co-I, Collaborator, Subcontractor) or who is responsible for the application submission (e.g. COM, different FAU college, external entity).
Limited Submissions
If your solicitation limits the number of proposals that can be submitted from FAU:
- Notify the COM Office of Research of your intent to submit a proposal.
- Submit a ticket to the Division of Research's Office of Research Development to submit an internal application by 5pm on the stated internal deadline. Most internal deadlines occur 45 days prior to the agency deadline.
Proposal Routing Form and Resources
Proposal submissions for grants, contracts, subcontracts, and all other externally funded proposals must comply with both COM and OSP grant proposal guidelines outlined below.
This timeline is necessary to ensure adequate review and timely approval of all proposals by COM prior to submission to OSP.
Failure to follow this policy may result in your proposal not being submitted to the Sponsor. OSP will not submit applications without approval from COM. Any exceptions to the guidelines outlined below requires approval from the Senior Associate Dean for Research.
COM Proposal Routing Form
The COM Proposal Routing form is used internally to collect important information regarding grant submissions. Please complete the form as soon as you know you will be submitting a grant so our team can provide you with assistance.
Required Documents
Please work with our COM Office of Research for guidance and assistance in proposal routing. Before a proposal is able to be routed, copies of the following documents must be provided to the COM Research Administration Team:
- Proposal (Scope of Work)
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Any Sponsor required forms
If your proposal includes Consultants and/or Subrecipients, additional documents are required.
For Consultants, a letter of intent must be signed by the Consultant and uploaded into Novelution. The letter should include the Consultant's hourly rate, estimated number of hours on the project, and a brief statement of work.
For Subrecipients, a letter of intent signed by the institution's Authorized Official along with the Subrecipient's Scope of Work, Budget, and Budget Justification must be uploaded into Novelution as attachments. For Federal proposals, a copy of the institution's F&A rate agreement is also required.
Novelution is FAU's Research Management System which provides an intuitive, web-based platform for electronic research administration. Novelution's integrated modules are specifically designed and tailored to ensure faculty, staff and research administrator's needs are met, while eliminating inefficiencies and burdens.
Faculty will utilize Novelution to attest to the accuracy of their proposal prior to submission and to also complete their initial and annual financial conflict of interest (FCOI) disclosures.
Proposal Resources
- NIH Biosketch
- Fellowship Biosketch
- Non-Fellowship Biosketch
- Sample Budget Justification
- COM Research Facilities and Resources
- R01 Checklist
- R01 Checklist (Detailed)
- R01 Checklist (Modular)
- R03 Checklist
- R15 Checklist
- R21 Checklist
- R61-R33 Checklist
- Glossary of Terms
- Grant Acronyms
- Policy for Tuition on Grants
- Time and Effort Conversion Table
- Facility and Admin. Cost (Indirect Costs)
- Novelution Overview
- Novelution FCOI Overview